Powder disinfectant
Mode of application : Conduct drenching spray
Method of preparation:
Add the entire contents of the package (100 grms) in 100 ltr of water and mix well, instantly within
5-10 minutes the solution dissolve completely to release chlorine. The above prepared solution can be
used for rearing house and equipment’s wash or spray
Salient features:
- Versatile, powerful, user friendly and best disinfectant for
all type of rearing house
- 100% assured disinfection of all disease-causing pathogen
after its spray inside the rearing house and on equipments
- Maintains the hygiene during rearing
- Least corrosive at its usable concentration
- Easily soluble in water
- No nozzle clogging of the sprayers economical to use
- No nozzle clogging of the sprayers economical to use